A Reflection on Luke 13:31-35 In Luke 13:31-35, we witness a poignant moment where Jesus expresses sorrow over Jerusal…
A Reflection on Luke 13:22-30 In Luke 13:22-30, Jesus shares profound teachings about entering the Kingdom of God. This…
A Reflection on Luke 13:18-21 In Luke 13:18-21, Jesus shares two powerful parables that illustrate the nature of the K…
A Reflection on Luke 6:12-16 In Luke 6:12-16, we witness a significant moment in Jesus’ ministry—the selection of His t…
A Reflection on Mark 10:46-52 In Mark 10:46-52, we encounter the story of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar whose faith and pe…
A Reflection on Luke 13:1-9 In the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 13, verses 1-9, Jesus delivers a call to repentance and shar…
Jesus often told those He healed to keep it secret for a few posible reasons healing a sick person Messianic Secret Je…
The Harvest is Plentiful, but the Workers are Few In times of great hardship and suffering, such as during a depression…
Hebrews 8:13 says: "By calling this covenant 'new,' he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsol…
Finding God in Our Brokenness In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to lose our way, to find ourselves adrift…
A Reflection on Luke 12:49-53 In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 12, verses 49-53, Jesus shares a message that is both c…
A Reflection on Luke 12:39-48 The Gospel of Luke, particularly in chapter 12, verses 39-48, delivers a powerful teachin…
Being Ready for the Master’s Return A Reflection on Luke 12:35-38 In Luke 12:35-38, Jesus imparts a profound teaching o…
Acknowledging Christ Before Others Gospel of Luke 12:8-12 Jesus said to his disciples: “I tell you, everyone who ackno…
The Mission of the Seventy-Two: A Reflection on Luke 10:1-9 Preaching the word In the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 10, ver…
Woe to the Pharisees and Experts in the Law A Reflection on Luke 11:47-54 The Gospel of Luke, specifically in chapter 1…
The Heart of True Cleanliness: A Reflection on Luke 11:37-41 In the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 11, verses 37-41, Jesus ad…
Wicked generation Luke 11:29-32: Today's Gospel In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 11, verses 29-32, we encounter a p…
The Rich Young Ruler and the Call to Radical Discipleship The Gospel of Mark is known for its direct and urgent portra…
True Blessedness Reflection on the Gospel: Luke 11:27-28 The Gospel, Luke 11:27-28, features a brief yet powerful ex…
Overcoming Evil with the Power of Good Reflection on the Gospel: Luke 11:15-26 In this Gospel, Jesus addresses the s…
The Parable of the Persistent Friend Luke 11:5-13 In today's Gospel, Jesus shares a parable about persistence i…
Reflection on Luke 10:17-24 17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unt…
Embracing Childlike Humility Gospel Reading: Matthew 18:1-5, 10 In today’s Gospel, the disciples ask Jesus, “Who is t…